Getting intimate with Git
A de facto standard version control system and the love-hate relationship we have with it.
While Git is a the facto standard VCS system, there is plenty of criticism floating around. It is indeed widely adopted and extremely useful, but admit it it can make your blood boil. Whenever it happens to us, Grzesiek Sikorski is the person to go to. After having dealt with all those countless major and minor issues, he put together a presentation, to discuss the basics and the intricacies of Git.
What have we learned?
For obvious reasons, the talk did not cover all the interesting subjects so for those who are interested in digging a little bit deeper, below is a list of the best Git resources out there.
- Best Git tutorial
- Gitology explained
- Git, the good parts
- Torvalds on Git and others on YouTube here and here
And last but not least we have posted the slides on SlideShare.